Upcoming Public Hearings
This page features supporting files for upcoming public hearings pending before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Items are posted 15 days prior to the next scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council Meetings.
Meetings are broadcast live at https://www.cityofcorinth.com/remotesession.
ZAPD24-0009: Bridgeview Corinth Elevations PD-67 Amendment:
On Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:30 PM, the City of Corinth Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the item listed below. Should the Planning & Zoning Commission make a recommendation, the Corinth City Council will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 6:30 PM and consider acting on the item listed below. The meetings will be held at the Corinth City Hall, 3300 Corinth Pkwy, Corinth, Texas 76208.
- A request by the Applicant, Bridgeview Multifamily LLC, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Corinth, being a part of the Unified Development Code, to amend the building elevations of Planned Development 67 (PD-67) on approximately ±6.5 acres, with the subject properties being located at 3650 Corinth Pkwy. (Case No. ZAPD24-0009 Bridgeview Corinth Elevations PD-67 Amendment)
The public is invited to attend the meetings and make comments for or against this request. You may also send signed written comments before the date of the meetings to the City of Corinth Planning and Development Department at 3300 Corinth Parkway Corinth, Texas 76208, or attach a copy of the signed written comments in an email to Michelle Mixell, Planning Manager, at planning@cityofcorinth.com. If you have any questions regarding the proposed items, you may call 940-498-3262 for assistance.
ZMA24-0008: Northeast Corner of N. Corinth St and Shady Shores Rd MX-C Rezoning:
On Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:30 PM, the City of Corinth Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the item listed below. Should the Planning & Zoning Commission make a recommendation, the Corinth City Council will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 6:30 PM and consider acting on the item listed below. The meetings will be held at the Corinth City Hall, 3300 Corinth Pkwy, Corinth, Texas 76208.
- A City initiated request to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Corinth, each being a part of the Unified Development Code, to rezone approximately ±2.2 acres from SF-2 Single Family Residential to MX-C Mixed Use Commercial, with the subject properties being generally located at the northeast corner of N. Corinth St and Shady Shores Rd. (Case No. ZMA24-0008 Northeast Corner of N. Corinth St and Shady Shores Rd MX-C Rezoning)
The public is invited to attend the meetings and make comments for or against this request. You may also send signed written comments before the date of the meetings to the City of Corinth Planning and Development Department at 3300 Corinth Parkway Corinth, Texas 76208, or attach a copy of the signed written comments in an email to Michelle Mixell, Planning Manager, at planning@cityofcorinth.com. If you have any questions regarding the proposed items, you may call 940-498-3262 for assistance.
ZTA24-0007: UDC Construction Plans and Procedures Amendment:
On Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:30 PM, the City of Corinth Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the item listed below. Should the Planning & Zoning Commission make a recommendation, the Corinth City Council will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 6:30 PM and consider acting on the item listed below. The meetings will be held at the Corinth City Hall, 3300 Corinth Pkwy, Corinth, Texas 76208.
- A City initiated request to amend UDC Subsection 3.04. – Construction Plans and Procedures to require Development Agreements to be associated with Construction Plan approval and to clarify timing of Construction Release. (Case No. ZTA24-0007 UDC Construction Plans and Procedures Amendment)
The public is invited to attend the meetings and make comments for or against this request. You may also send signed written comments before the date of the meetings to the City of Corinth Planning and Development Department at 3300 Corinth Parkway Corinth, Texas 76208, or attach a copy of the signed written comments in an email to Michelle Mixell, Planning Manager, at planning@cityofcorinth.com. If you have any questions regarding the proposed items, you may call 940-498-3262 for assistance.
ZTA24-0008: UDC MX-C Building Height Amendment:
On Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:30 PM, the City of Corinth Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the item listed below. Should the Planning & Zoning Commission make a recommendation, the Corinth City Council will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 6:30 PM and consider acting on the item listed below. The meetings will be held at the Corinth City Hall, 3300 Corinth Pkwy, Corinth, Texas 76208.
- A City initiated request to amend UDC Subsection 2.06.02.K – Building Height. (Case No. ZTA24-0008 UDC MX-C Building Height Amendment)
The public is invited to attend the meetings and make comments for or against this request. You may also send signed written comments before the date of the meetings to the City of Corinth Planning and Development Department at 3300 Corinth Parkway Corinth, Texas 76208, or attach a copy of the signed written comments in an email to Michelle Mixell, Planning Manager, at planning@cityofcorinth.com. If you have any questions regarding the proposed items, you may call 940-498-3262 for assistance.