Board of Adjustments

The Board of Adjustment (BOA) is a quasi-judicial body that rules on variances, exceptions, and appeals to the Zoning Ordinance. The City Council has no review authority over decisions of the Board of Adjustments.

This Board requires that a quorum (4 of the 5 members) be present to act upon any variance request. The board by majority vote shall adopt rules in accordance with any ordinance adopted under this subchapter. It takes four (4) concurring votes of the members to approve a variance. 

Number of Members: 5 regular members, plus 2 alternates
Term of Office: 2-year term with no term limit
Established: Ordinance No. 99-05-06-18
Appointed By: Mayor and City Council
Meetings: Called on an "as-needed" basis
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Council Chambers, City Hall, 3300 Corinth Parkway​


Duties / Responsibilities

  • Hear and decide appeals that allege errors in an order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of United Development Code (UDC) Zoning Regulation.
  • Hear and decide on Zoning Special Exceptions to the terms of the UDC Zoning Regulation when the UDC requires the Board to do so.
  • Authorize in specific cases a Zoning Variance to the terms of the UDC Zoning Regulation if the Variance meets certain criteria established by the Texas Local Government Code.

Agendas and Minutes

View All Agendas and Minutes


Board Members

Jennifer Olive Place 1 Board Member Term - September 2025
Richard Weir Place 2 Board Member Term - September 2024
Jeff Swartwout Place 3 Board Member Term - September 2025
Vacant Place 4 Board Member Term - September 2024
Vacant Place 5 Board Member Term - September 2025
Vacant Place 6 2nd Alternate Term - September 2024
Vacant Place 7 1st Alternate Term - September 2025