Recycled Latex Paint Order Form

How It Works

  • Recipient must have a residential utility account in Corinth, cannot be commercial, business, property management, etc. 
  • Recipient will need to complete the Recycled Latex Paint Request order form.  If paint is not available when the form is completed, staff will email when it is delivered to City Hall indicating that the requested paint is ready for pick up.  Note: If Utility Billing has to "order" paint from CWD, it will take a minimum of 24 hours for the paint to be available, possibly longer.
  • Recipient will pick up paint from the Utility Billing department at City Hall, with valid ID. City employees will not deliver paint.
  • Recipient will not be allowed inside the Utility Billing suite to choose paint cans for security reasons. 
  • It is suggested that when getting more than one gallon of paint, mix both gallons into a single larger container.  Since paint color will vary from can to can, mixing multiple cans and stirring well should create a more uniform color.

Paint is available at Corinth City Hall, 3300 Corinth Parkway, Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

*Due to the nature of recycling, paint color requests cannot be honored. The City of Corinth does not guarantee the purity, quality, consistency, etc. of the paint distributed. 

Limit 2 gallons per household.
There is a limit of two 5 gallon containers per household.
Receive an email copy of this form.