1124 Corinth Public Works and Lake Cities Fire Department Site Improvements
Addendum Date:
#1 Issued 2/20/19
Site Visits by Appointment Only: Contact Cody Collier (940) 498-7510 to schedule.
Questions deadline: 2/20/19 2:00 PM CST
Submittal Information: Purchasing Office 3300 Corinth Pkwy., Corinth, TX 76208
Contact Person: Cindy Troyer, Purchasing Agent | purchasing@cityofcorinth.com |940-498-3286
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Corinth, Texas from qualified prospective bidders at the office of the Purchasing Agent until 2:00 PM, CST February 28, 2019 for Public Works and Lake Cities Fire Department Site Improvements.
STEP 1: Download the "Supporting Documents" listed below.
Addendum #1
10588h-p 1 Phase I ESA Report-Sized
Geotech Rep Final Improvements Fire Dept
Geotech Rep Final Improvements Public Works Facility
Plans Corinth New Building Combined IFC 1-22-19
Plans Corinth Public Works New Building 1-21-19
This project includes all materials, labor, equipment and services to produce or be incorporated in such construction. Contract will be a general contract for the Public Works and Lake Cities Fire Department Site Improvements. The project includes a new storage building for Public Works equipment, and drainage and roadway improvements between Public Works and the Lake Cities Fire Department training facility.
Bidders must submit a cashier's check, certified check, or acceptable bidder's bond with their proposal as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract for the project with the Owner within fifteen (15) days of Notice of Award of the contract. The security must be payable to City of Corinth in the amount of five (5%) percent of the bid submitted. Contractor must execute the contract, bonds and certificates of insurance on the forms provided in the Contract Documents.
Contractors for this Project must comply with prevailing wage rates as defined by the United States Department of Labor Davis and Bacon Wage Determination at http://www.wdol.gov/dba.aspx
Performance and Payment Bonds and Maintenance Bonds are required.
The bidder selected by the City shall furnish proof of insurance prior to bid award in the form of an insurance certificate to the Purchasing Department.
Bids received later than the date and time above will be returned unopened, and will not be considered in the evaluation process. Facsimile or electronic transmittals will not be accepted.
The City of Corinth reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive defects in proposals. No officer or employee of the City of Corinth shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in this or any contract with the City of Corinth. Minority and small business vendors are encouraged to submit a proposal on any and all City of Corinth projects.