west nile

Positive West Nile Case in Corinth

CORINTH, TX, September 18, 2024 – Today, Denton County Public Health informed the City of Corinth that a resident within the 3200 block of Meadowview Drive tested positive for West Nile Virus. Due to HIPAA, specific patient information such as name, address, date of diagnosis, and virus specifics cannot be shared. The City is simply notified that a human West Nile Virus case is present within Corinth.

The City of Corinth samples for West Nile virus weekly at four testing sites from May to November. No positive traps have been found and our Public Works Department will be retesting the affected area this week. For more information and to view the testing sample results, visit the City of Corinth Public Works webpage.

As a reminder, the West Nile virus is only spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. There are no vaccines or medicines to prevent West Nile.

Protecting yourself from mosquito bites is the best way to prevent West Nile.

  • Defend - Use a repellent with a CDC-recommended active ingredient such as DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.
  • Dress - Wear light-colored long-sleeved shirts and pants.
  • Dusk/Dawn - Limit your outdoor activities between dusk and dawn when mosquitos are more prevalent.
  • Drain - Take steps to control mosquitoes by dumping or covering standing water.