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CORINTH, TX, September 19, 2024 – We understand concerns about West Nile virus, and the safety of our residents is always our top priority. The City of Corinth is working with Denton County to monitor the situation, and the County is currently investigating the most recent infection case.

The City will consider spraying when we have a positive mosquito trap within City limits. This helps us target the areas where spraying will be most effective, ensuring we don't waste resources or expose residents to unnecessary chemicals.

While spraying is an important tool, it's not without downsides. We want to avoid harming pollinators like bees and butterflies, as well as potentially contaminating water sources. Additionally, repeated spraying can lead to mosquito resistance, making future treatments less effective.

In the meantime, we are stepping up efforts to eliminate standing water, which is a major breeding ground for mosquitoes and we have increased testing. If you have standing water that you cannot remove, we are offering free mosquito dunks to help prevent mosquito breeding. You can pick these up by contacting Public Works at (940) 498-7501.

We are committed to protecting the health of our community and will take action as soon as it's needed. Thank you for helping us keep Corinth safe!